Exhibitors: Questions on booth selection can be emailed to the CBC Events Team.
Q: What “type” of booth do I have?
The most common booth types are found below. For detailed information on regulations of booth setup by type, please review the IAEE Booth Setup Guidelines.
- Linear Booth: Linear booths, also called “in-line” booths, are generally arranged in a straight line and have neighboring exhibitors on their immediate right and left, leaving only one side (the front) exposed to the aisle (with the exception of “corner” linear booths). Booths are arranged in 10 feet x 10 feet increments (up to a max of 10×40) and include an 8 feet high draped backdrop and three feet high side rail/drape.
- Corner Booth: Same as above, but with 1 exposed corner/2 open aisles on either side.
- Peninsula/Split Island: A peninsula booth is exposed to aisles on three sides, and comprised of a minimum of four booths. There are two types of peninsula booths: (a) one which backs to linear booths, and (b) one which backs to another peninsula booth and is referred to as a “split island booth.”
- Island: An island booth is any size booth exposed to aisles on all four sides.
Q: What is the height limit in my booth?
As per the Craft Brewers Conference Rules & Regulations for Exhibiting, this is Dependent on booth size/type:
Please note that anything which extends over the pre-set back wall of the booth (8′ pipe and drape) may not have print, logos, or branding on the back side of the structure.
- Linear (“In-Line”) Booth: The maximum height of 12 feet (3.66 meters) is allowed only in the rear half of the exhibit space, with a 4 foot (1.22 meter) height restriction imposed on all materials in the remaining space forward to the aisle. Note: When three or more linear booths are used in combination as a single exhibit space, the 4 foot (1.22 meter) height limitation is applied only to that portion of exhibit space which is within 10 feet (3.05 meters) of an adjoining booth.
- Peninsula Booth: height range allowance is 16 feet (4.88 meters), including signage for the center portion of the back wall. Double-sided signs, logos and graphics shall be set back 10 feet (3.05 meters) from adjacent booths.
- Island Booth: 20 feet (6.10 meters), including signage.
Q: What are the line-of-sight and construction rules and regulations for my booth type?
Please adhere to the Rules & Regulations for Exhibition.
For specific questions on items not covered in this document, please contact show management. Rare exceptions to these guidelines may be made at the discretion of show management.
Q: Can I serve beer (standard or NA) at my booth?
No. Exhibitors are not allowed to serve or dispense beer (even for display purposes only) from their booth. Beer service is restricted to Sponsored Beer Stations only. All sponsored beer station opportunities are currently filled, but if you’d like to inquire about future opportunities, please email our advertising team.
Q: Can I serve food or non-alcoholic beverages at my booth?
If exhibitors wish to serve samples of their own food products (no alcohol), they must complete and return a Food and/or Beverage Sampling/Distribution Form (convention center exclusive caterer). All food samples must be pre-packaged in individual sample sizes. Exhibitors wishing to sample food/non-alcoholic beverage products at their booth should familiarize themselves with the Sampling Policies on that form.
Malt and grain products, hop samples, and other ingredients are considered food items. Exhibitors will distribute such samples in single serve, compostable cups, and unconsumed portions will be discarded.”
Exhibitors may also order food/beverage services (no alcohol) for their booth through the in-house caterer (Sodexo.), please reach out to Melissa Gunn at melissa@gunn@nullsodexo.com.
Q: Can I display a vehicle (car, truck, etc.) in my booth?
Complete and return Mobile Unit/Motorized Vehicle Form to Freeman Decorating prior to TBD if you plan to display a vehicle at the show, and must adhere to the following conditions for display. A mandatory vehicle fee will be assessed by Freeman Decorating for all vehicles and includes inspection of the vehicle to meet proper display conditions as well as spotting services for placement of the vehicle on the show floor.
Liquid- or gas-fueled vehicles, equipment, boats or other motor crafts must be maintained in the following condition when displayed or stored inside of the Center:
- Batteries must be disconnected.
- Fuel in fuel tanks cannot exceed one-quarter tank or 5 gallons (19L) (whichever is least).
- Fuel tanks and fill openings must be closed and sealed to prevent tampering (tape may be used).
- Vehicles, fueled equipment, boats or other motor craft equipment cannot be fueled or de-fueled within the building.
Q: Am I required to have carpet in my booth?
No, Due to condensed move-out times for the show, we are not requiring a carpet of floor covering for the show. In-Line/Linear booths – consider ordering the “Easy Exhibit Package” from Freeman Decorating, which includes all of the basics needed for your booth at a simple, flat rate per 100 sq. ft. of booth space. To order this, please contact Freeman Customer Service. The package includes the following:
- One (1) 8’ table draped white
- Two (2) Limerick side chairs
- One (1) Wastebasket
- 10’ x 10’ Tuxedo Carpet
Q: Do exhibitors have access to an attendee list?
Yes, an attendee mailing list (for physical mailings – no email or phone number) is available by request to show exhibitors one time prior to the show. (Tip: the list can be provided whenever the request is made, but generally it is recommended that exhibitors wait until after the Early Bird Registration Pricing deadline to maximize the number of attendees on the list they receive).
A finalized attendee list will also be emailed to exhibitors approximately 2 weeks after the end of the show.
Please note: the attendee list does not contain email addresses nor is this information available for purchase, and in compliance with GDPR regulations, the list only includes info for attendees who manually “Opt-In” to allowing this information to be shared with exhibitors. Request this list by emailing the CBC Events Team.
If you choose to purchase the lead retrieval service available from the show at your booth, you will be able to collect email addresses for each attendee badge that you scan (again, only for those allowing their badge to be scanned by individual exhibitors by providing their explicit verbal consent to such exhibitor).
Exhibitors may order that service through the order form through the Online Freeman Exhibitor Service Kit.
Q: Am I required to carry insurance / provide a Certificate of Insurance (COI) for the show?
Due to exhibitor requests, we are now including liability insurance which meets all of our insurance requirements along with your booth space fee. You will no longer need to go through all the hassles and costs of submitting your own compliant liability insurance. We hope you appreciate this new benefit.
Exhibitors are required to carry floater insurance to cover exhibit material against damage and loss. It is further understood and agreed that the Brewers Association and the Convention Center shall in no event be held liable to an exhibitor for any lost profits, sales, business opportunities or any other type of direct or consequential damages alleged to be due from a breach of this contract.
Q: Do exhibitors have access to the registered media list?
The CBC registered media list is available to CBC sponsors only. Please email our sales team to learn about sponsorship opportunities.
Q: Are minors (anyone under the age of 21 years of age) able to work or attend the show?
Attendees must be 21+. Proof of age is required.
During Show Hours:
- Infants are allowed if always carried or in a stroller. Please respect your peers and make childcare arrangements if you’re sitting in a seminar room. If this isn’t possible, please leave if your child is being a distraction to others.
Q: Is photography permitted in the expo hall?
Unauthorized photography is not permitted. Exhibitors and attendees are expressly prohibited from taking photos of exhibitor booths and products. If an infraction occurs, devices will be confiscated and badges will be revoked for current and future shows. If you witness an infraction, email it to the CBC Events Team. You can also make a report at the BA booth located outside the exhibit hall.
Q: What furniture and/or services are included with my booth?
A booth reservation does not include any carpet, furniture or electricity. It is a blank canvas in accordance with the info below, based on your booth type. If you would like any furnishings for your booth (table, chair, displays, etc.) you will need to arrange for these through Freeman or may bring your own. Pipe and drape is provided for many booths, as listed below:
- In-line/linear booths: 3′ high side drape and 8′ high back drape is provided along with a small identification sign with your company name.
- Island booths: Blank space. No drape or ID sign will be provided. Booth is a blank space.
In-Line/Linear booths – consider ordering the “Easy Exhibit Package” from Freeman Decorating, which includes all of the basics needed for your booth one flat rate per 100 sq. ft of booth space (only for booths 100-300 sq ft in size). To order this, please contact Freeman Customer Service. The package includes the following:
- One (1) 8’ table draped white
- Two (2) Limerick side chairs
- One (1) Wastebasket
- 10’ x 10’ Tuxedo Carpet
Q: How do I order furniture, carpet or any sort of booth display package for my booth?
All furniture, carpet, displays, as well as labor and cleaning services may be ordered through Freeman Exhibitor Services Kit.
Q: How do I order electricity, water, internet or other utilities for my booth?
The convention center is in charge of all electricity, water, air, or other utilities. You will also be able to find information on ordering this in the “Freeman Online Exhibitor Services Kit” by clicking “Browse Catalog” and then scrolling down to “Facility Services”. You can also go directly to the convention center website, choose what you need and then find the Craft Brewers Conference.
Q: How do I purchase lead retrieval/badge scanners for my booth?
The official Lead Retrieval services provider of the Craft Brewers Conference is Fetch (NEW!). Lead retrieval services allow exhibitors to scan the badges of attendees who visit their booth, obtaining full contact information including email addresses so that you are able to reach out to them after the show.
Please note that, as per new GDPR requirements, only attendees who “Opt-In” to allowing exhibitors to receive their data will have scannable badges. You, as an exhibitor, will also be required to get explicit consent from those whose badges you wish to scan, so as not to violate GDPR requirements. Order forms available through Fetch directly or through the Freeman Online Exhibitor Services Kit.
Q: What’s the “Easy Exhibit Package” and how do I order it so I have the basic essentials needed for my In-Line booth?
In-Line/Linear booths – consider ordering the “Easy Exhibit Package” from Freeman Decorating, which includes all of the basics needed for your booth at one basic price of TBD per 100 sq. ft. This package may be ordered directly through Freeman Decorating. See Freeman Exhibitor Service Kit.
The package includes the following:
- One (1) 8’ table draped white
- Two (2) Limerick side chairs
- One (1) Wastebasket
- 10’ x 10’ Tuxedo Carpet
Deadline to Order: March 28, 2025
Q: Where do I book hotel rooms?
Please visit Hotels & Travel for the most up-to-date list of hotels at which we have discounted rates. Rooms are limited, and the discounted rates will expire in March, so if you are not finding what you’d like, you can always check your favorite travel site for other options.
For large group bookings, inquiries, or problems with existing reservations, please reach out to our official housing bureau by emailing Conferencedirect.
Q: What is an Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) and do I need to submit and EAC form?
An Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) is any company other than the designated official contractors (Freeman Decorating or other convention center utility or service provider), that provide services such as display installation and dismantling, models, florists, photographers, audio visual firms, etc. and which may require access to exhibitor’s booth space any time during installation, event dates or dismantling.
This applies to any company hired by an exhibitor for any portion of setup that is not one of our designated official contractors.
An EAC form is required 30 days prior to the start of show only if an exhibitor has hired and EAC for any portion of booth setup or dismantling. You are required to provide a copy of your COI when filling out the form. General liability coverage from an Insurance company in good standing with minimum policy limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate.
Please complete and your EAC form here ASAP
Q: Am I able to load in and set up my booth on my own or do I need to hire labor?
This is subject to the Labor Union Jurisdiction rules, as imposed by the convention center. This information may also be found here and also in the online Freeman Decorating Exhibitor Services Kit.
Planning to unload from a personal vehicle?
No need to schedule a time, just come in during your targeted window (see Schedule & Logistics).
Bring your freight to the Convention Center docks and follow the personal vehicle load in procedures (someone from Freeman will be there to guide you). Once you report to the docks, you’ll be given ramp space as it becomes available. Then just unload stuff from your personal vehicle onto the loading docks, and move your vehicle from the docks immediately as your vehicle can’t sit on the docks while your freight is delivered to your booth.
Q: What is the full schedule for the show, including set-up and teardown?
Please reference the Move-In / Move-Out & Show Schedule that can be found on the Schedule & Logistics page.
Q: When is the latest I can set up my booth / When is the earliest I can tear down my booth?
Please review the schedule and logistics for official move-in and move-out times.
Late Set up / Forced Setting of Exhibits: All displays must be in place and display material, cartons and refuse removed from the aisles by 7:00pm, April 28, to facilitate the placement of aisle carpets.
Late Installation: If installation of any exhibit has not started by April 28 at 7:00pm and no arrangements for move-in have been made, show management may arrange to erect the exhibit and exhibitor will be billed for, and agrees to pay for, all charges incurred. Show management shall not be liable for damages that may occur during the exhibit move-in.
Early Tear Down: Exhibitor shall not initiate tear-down, packing, or abandon exhibit prior to close of exhibition hall. In the event exhibitor begins teardown prior to the close of exhibits, exhibitor will be issued a loss of 3 priority points.
Q: How early are exhibitor staff allowed to get into the expo hall for setup on show days?
Exhibitors are allowed to access the hall as early as 120 minutes before show open on the first scheduled day of the show and 90 minutes before show open on subsequent show days.
On non-show days – access times may be found on Schedule & Logistics.
Q: How many booth staff badges do I receive with my booth?
Exhibitors receive up to three (3) complimentary BrewExpo America® Trade Show Only badges per 100 square feet of exhibit space. Exhibitors with spaces larger than 1000 square feet will receive a maximum of 30 trade show only badges.
- Trade show badges include: access to exhibition halls during official trade show hours as well as setup and dismantle days.
- Trade show badges do not include: access to conference seminars, general sessions or official welcome reception
- Shared Exhibitors do not receive additional badges; please contact your Primary Exhibitor
Additional trade show badges: may be purchased for $200 for BA Members / $300 for non-members. These badges include access to the trade show only and are to be used for booth staff who will be working the booth.
Full Conference Upgrades (includes seminars): may be purchased for $300 for BA Members / $400 for non-members. These badges include access to the trade show as well as educational seminar.
Note: exhibitor badges may only be used for active exhibitor staff who will be working the booth during the show (not for clients, guests, etc.)
Please reference the floorplan for the size of your booth space.
- 100 Square Feet = 3 Badges
- 200 Square Feet = 6 Badges
- 300 Square Feet = 9 Badges
- 400 Square Feet = 12 Badges
- 500 Square Feet = 15 Badges
- 600 Square Feet = 18 Badges
- 700 Square Feet = 21 Badges
- 800 Square Feet = 24 Badges
- 900 Square Feet = 27 Badges
- 1000+ Square Feet = 30 Badges
Q: How do I change the name or registration options for someone I’ve already registered for badges?
To make edits to existing registrations, just click any of the “Register Now” buttons on CraftBrewersConference.com and use the “Modify Registration” option to adjust the registration. You’ll need the “Reference Number” (8-digit confirmation number from original registration) and email address used for the original registration to access and update the existing registration.
Q: Do you have a show logo I can use to promote my booth?
The Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America trademarked logo may be used to promote the company’s attendance at the show. The logo may be used on booth giveaways at the show only with prior, written approval from show management. No exhibitor “for sale” items may include the CBC trademarked name or logo.
Downloadable CBC Exhibitor Logos & Usage Guide – 2025 Available Now!
Q: What’s my Company/Booth Profile?
Your company profile is essentially your company listing. It is how you display yourself to conference attendees in the conference mobile app, as well as the printed program. Be sure to get the best out of your company listing and make sure it’s up to date with correct information. Spelling & Capitalization counts!
Here’s a brief overview of some of the different fields found in the “Edit Booth Info” section:
- Print Profile: Company Name & Booth Number
- Online Profile: A company description that can be a bit longer than the printed program
- Welcome Message: just a simple tagline or one-liner to describe your company, only shown online
- Business Categories: What category does your business fall into? Complete this section to help people find your company!
- Brands: This field is not used, no need to update this.
Q: Is it possible to add a secondary / co-exhibitor listing to our booth?
The sharing of one exhibitor’s booth space by another company with its own products (shared exhibitor) requires a separate “shared booth” application, approval by show management, as well as a $500 USD fee per shared exhibitor.
Shared exhibitors receive a separate listing in conference materials (online only after February 13, 2025), but will not receive additional badges or priority points. The primary exhibitor receives and manages all badges/passes associated with the booth space. The primary exhibitor receives all earned priority points for exhibiting.
Responsibility for ensuring that shared exhibitors fulfill all commitments shall rest with the principal exhibitor, in addition to the shared exhibitor.
Shared exhibitor listing will take effect on website after $500 co-exhibit fee payment is received, as well as information below. Payment is due within 7 business days of selection.
To request a shared exhibitor listing, existing exhibitors (must already have a booth reserved) may email the CBC Events Team to request a “Shared Booth” application.
Q: Do exhibitors have access to an attendee list?
Yes, an attendee mailing list (for physical mailings – no email or phone number) is available by request to show exhibitors one time prior to the show. (Tip: the list can be provided whenever the request is made, but generally it is recommended that exhibitors wait until after the Early Bird Registration Pricing deadline to maximize the number of attendees on the list they receive).
A finalized attendee list will also be emailed to exhibitors approximately 2 weeks after the end of the show.
Please note: the attendee list does not contain email addresses nor is this information available for purchase, and in compliance with GDPR regulations, the list only includes info for attendees who manually “Opt-In” to allowing this information to be shared with exhibitors. Request this list by emailing the CBC Events Team.
If you choose to purchase the lead retrieval service available from the show at your booth, you will be able to collect email addresses for each attendee badge that you scan (again, only for those allowing their badge to be scanned by individual exhibitors by providing their explicit verbal consent to such exhibitor).
Exhibitors may order that service through the order form through the Online Freeman Exhibitor Service Kit.
Q: Do you offer any opportunities for additional visibility for exhibitors?
Yes, you can access additional advertising upgrades for enhanced exhibitor listings that include the opportunity to display additional show features, product photos or videos, show highlights, etc. from you exhibitor dashboard by clicking on the “Market Your Booth” tile.
Q: How much does it cost to reserve a booth?
Booth pricing for Brewers Association member companies, non-member companies, as well as what is included with the booth reservation, may be found on our exhibitor info page.
Q: What comes with a booth reservation?
Each 10×10 space includes:
- Three (3) complimentary exhibitor badges good for access to trade show only (per 100 sq ft of space)
- Exhibitor Badges include access to the trade show only (Monday., Tuesday, and Wednesday). Does not include conference seminar access.
- Additional Trade Show-only Exhibitor badges are available for purchase ($200 BA Members / $300 Non-Members)
- Full Conference upgrades (to include Seminars) may be purchased separately ($300 BA Members / $400 Non-Members)
- A short company description for web site exhibitor listing and in the show directory
- Booths do not include carpet/floor covering or any furnishings (tables, chairs, etc.). All floor coverings, furnishings, A/V or internet needs for the booth are the responsibility of the exhibitor. Options for these items as well as estimated costs may be found in the Freeman Exhibitor Services Kit. (coming early 2024)
Q: How do you determine when companies are able to reserve their space for the next show?
The Craft Brewers Conference uses a priority point system for booth selection. Only BA supplier member companies will qualify for priority points, and subsequently, priority group selection. You can find more information on the priority point system and how companies can accumulate those points on the Booth Selection page.
Q: What are the terms and conditions for exhibiting?
The terms and conditions may be found here and all exhibitors are required to agree to these terms and conditions at the time of booth reservation.
Q: Where / When will the Craft Brewers Conference be held in 2026?
Check back soon for details!