Health + Safety Information

Updated August 30, 2021

Brewers Association COVID-19 Requirements for Participation

Brewers Association takes our role in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic very seriously and understands the need to provide attendees of the Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo with the safest conference experience possible. We are following all current CDC guidelines, as well as those of state and local authorities in Denver during the meeting period. We recognize these may change over time as conditions change in Denver or elsewhere. 

Brewers Association will not require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test to attend the Craft Brewers Conference. However, we encourage all attendees to be fully vaccinated to protect themselves and others. We desire that all of us who can be vaccinated do so in order to protect everyone. For those traveling from overseas, please be aware of restrictions placed on your country of origin, as travelers from some countries are required to quarantine for two weeks. 

Based on the latest CDC recommendations and in line with the guidelines from local authorities in Denver, please wear a facial mask regardless of vaccination status while at the Craft Brewers Conference.   

Protecting the health and safety of our attendees is paramount, and we are committed to providing a safe in-person environment and experience. We will continue to follow the science and monitor federal, state and local guidelines and adjust our policies as needed to ensure a safe and comfortable meeting for all attendees.

Attendance at and participation in Brewers Association’s 2021 Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America is subject to compliance with Brewers Association and the event facilities’ policies and procedures to implement current CDC, State of Colorado, City of Denver and Colorado Convention Center recommendations and requirements.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Brewers Association is making necessary adjustments and prioritizing participant well-being. We are closely monitoring health updates regarding COVID cases and the Delta variant and will make changes to the protocols below as needed. The situation remains fluid and subject to change as circumstances dictate. At present, in accordance with guidance of the CDC, the State of Colorado & the City of Denver, we plan for the following:

  1. Updated August 30, 2021 – Regardless of vaccination status, please wear a mask. We will have surgical masks available on site. This policy aligns with CDC guidelines meant to maximize protection from the Delta variant.
  2. The State and City are allowing 100% capacity in all spaces at the conference venue. 
  3. Advance sign up for seminars is required to guarantee a seat in seminar rooms. Overflow rooms will be available if needed.
  4. Hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout the venue. Please use them.
  5. We will have one way traffic flow in high traffic areas.
  6. This is very important: The Colorado Convention Center (CCC) is a 5-star certified venue with stringent protocols- the HVAC systems are fitted with MERV 8 Pleated Filters paired with Multi Sak filters equaling MERV 13 performance rate and MERV 13 Pleated Filters. This puts the CCC well above Residential/Commercial which is MERV 10 and just below Hospital & General Surgery rating, which is MERV 14.

What to Expect

Social Distancing

Frequent Sanitizing

Regardless of vaccination status, please wear a mask.

Have you completed a self-assessment, and are you symptom-free? If you feel sick, please stay home. Use the CDC COVID-19 Self-Checker to get help assessing symptoms, making decisions and seeking appropriate medical care.

  • Check your flight and travel arrangements. Be mindful of current travel restrictions in place to and from your destination, as well as selected airline policies
  • We are taking additional measures to ensure your health and well-being. Please plan accordingly and allow extra time when arriving at the show, attending seminars and making appointments.
  • We will have one way traffic flow in high traffic areas.
  • Plexiglass barriers at registration counters will be in place for enhanced safety. Staff will regularly clean all equipment.

What to Expect

Social Distancing

Frequent Sanitizing

Regardless of vaccination status, please wear a mask.

  • Disposable masks will be provided, if one is needed.
  • Please follow all recommended Health & Well-Being Measures including:
    • Wash or sanitize your hands often
    • Cough or sneeze into your elbow and not into your hand
    • Stay socially distanced
    • Stay home or in your hotel room if you are sick
  • The show floorplan allows for social distancing and one-way entrance/exits. Please observe and follow the flow.
  • We’ll remind you to keep a safe distance from others with floor graphics and stanchions.
  • Seating areas will be properly distanced and plexiglass barriers will be placed at food and beverage locations.
  • Exhibitors will have access to enhanced cleaning and disinfection services for their booths.
  • Trash, recycle and compost will be removed throughout the venue with greater frequency.
  • Nightly disinfecting will take place to sanitize all seating, restrooms and frequently touched public areas.
  • The Colorado Convention Center (CCC) is a 5-star certified venue with stringent protocols- the HVAC systems are fitted with MERV 8 Pleated Filters paired with Multi Sak filters equaling MERV 13 performance rate and MERV 13 Pleated Filters. This puts the CCC well above Residential/Commercial which is MERV 10 and just below Hospital & General Surgery which is MERV 14.
  • Feeling sick unexpectedly at the show? Medical personnel will be on site to assist anyone feeling unwell.
  • 30 minute breaks between seminars to allow for air circulation and cleaning of rooms.
  • In order to provide a better attendee experience, attendees will select the seminars in advance during registration. Overflow rooms will be available if needed.
  • Hand sanitizer is provided throughout the venue.
  • Room monitors will be on site to help remind and manage well-being protocols.
  • Food will be made available in single serving pre-packaged formats as much as possible.
  • Increased dining space with frequent sanitizing of tables.
  • Dedicated staff to monitor flow and crowd control of dining areas, beer stations and hospitality lounges.
  • Malt and grain product samples, hop samples and other ingredients are considered food items. We highly recommend that such samples be distributed for sampling by exhibitors in single serve, compostable cups, and unconsumed portions discarded.
  • Increased area to allow for ample space between tables.

Intravene — Tel: 303-349-8814. Appointment is needed but can schedule within a few hours; completely mobile; they will come to the convention center; results received within 15 minutes. Cost: $175

AFC Urgent Care Denver — Tel: 303-733-4000. Appointment is needed 48 hours in advance; results received in 30 minutes to one hour. Location: 777 Speer Blvd #100 (closest location to the CCC). Cost: $159